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writing direct requests - indiana university.doc

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writing direct requests - indiana university.doc



文档介绍:WRITING DIRECT REQUESTS Kinds of Requests ? Placing orders ? Requesting information ? Requesting claims and adjustments ? Making credit requests ? Inquiring about people ? Issuing invitations Objectives ? Clearly state the main idea of each direct request ? Indicate confidence that request will be filled ? Provide sufficient detail for the reader to be able ply with your request ? plicated requests with lists and tables ? Close with courteous request for action Deductive Plan for Direct Requests ? Make the request or indicate main idea ? Include the necessary details/questions or justification ? Close with action you desire and show appreciation with courteous tone As a customer, have you ever been dissatisfied with product or service??? ? Ever made a claim ? ? The request can be useful for both you pany. How? ? As you make the request, think about it from an audience focus. What might you include in the request ? plicated Requests Easy ? Remember to include any tables or lists that are clear in order to assist the person filling the request. ? Remember to ask specific questions that may assist the person. *Ask only questions that relate to request *Make your questions open-ended and objective *Cover only one topic in each question In requests, think about answering all of these questions as you write. WHO ? WHAT ? WHERE ? WHEN ? WHY ? HOW ? Let ’s now look at some examples fro