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文档介绍:哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文-I- 模拟驾照考试系统摘要目前商业竞争越来越激烈,工作和生活的节奏也在一天天的加快。现在,身边很多的行业在这种社会节奏下想要生存,用机器帮助提高劳动生产效率已经成为普遍的方法,通过这些方法来降低生产成本,增强单位的竞争能力。一种新的教学方式也逐渐受到越来越多的重视,那就是电脑辅助教学。很多的学校以及培训中心,都大量使用电脑来辅助教学,通过这种方式,学校的教学变得规范,具备很高的效率,而且可以最大限度地节约成本。同时这种方式具有很大的灵活性,系统的架设,系统的调整,都非常弹性。本论文详细描述了模拟驾照考试系统开发的具体实现过程,着重介绍了系统的界面、数据库设计、出题方式以及测试过程。本系统采用现在流行的 Java Web 工程开发技术,配合 Struts2, Spring, Hibernate 框架实现整个系统,界面采用 CSS( Cascading Style Sheet ) 布局控制。成功的实现了模拟驾照考试系统,试题的增加、修改、删除,用户权限管理等基本有效功能。系统具有一定的可扩展性、易于维护、安全性较好,并且具有美观的界面,满足了考试系统的基本要求,并增加了错题练****章节练****和成绩统计等新鲜功能,可以在各种符合 Java Web 标准的容器中高效平稳运行,并且常用主流的浏览器是完全兼容的。很多专家学者表明,这种符合具有良好构架、扩展性和安全性的模拟驾照考试系统,被广大考生接受只是时间上的问题。驾照模拟考试系统的前景非常光明,充满了无限生机。关键词考试系统;交通规则;对象图导航哈尔滨理工大学学士学位论文- II- S imulate Driver License Testing System Abstract Today, petition is more and more fiercely, the rhythm of people's life and work are being accelerated sharply too. The almost of all profession for adapt to new society rhythm, plenty of adopt machines to progress productive of labor and reduce d the cost of produce, to petent ability for enterprise. puter to help education is attached importance to asa new way about teaching and studing. A wealth puters are used to assist education at the school and the center of training, improve to productive of education's work at school and let it normal, save cost in the most limit. T his paper introduces the detailed implementation procedures and concentrates on introduc ing the interface of the system, the designing of database and the testing procedure. The system uses Java Web development technique which concert with Struts2 Spring Hibernate, and whose interface adopts to XHTML+CSS. It archly meets the basic function of question publishing, updating, deleting, and the management of user. The interface isnot only beautiful and friendly but also can be extended, maintained and is highly secured. So it can realize the basic requirements of an traffic regulations test, and can be run in any kinds of normal container accorded with Java Web, and also patible


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