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Book Report
Name: Aaron 李浩亮 Date: December 30th, 2013
The book : Feng Youlan: A Short History of Chinese Philosophy (Chinese version translated by Tu Youguang)
Publisher: Peking University Press
The book A Short History of Chinese Philosophy is mainly about the history of Chinese philosophy as the title writes, and it also talks about how the Chinese philosophy came into being and explain it by showing lots of detailed information, political and economic situation at that time and background knowledge included. And the book shows us the development of Chinese philosophy in the order of time, too, besides main thoughts and ideologists of several chief schools, such as Laozi, one of the most well-known ideologists of Taoist school. In addition, in the last two chapters we can have a further understanding of the mixture of Chinese and western philosophy during latest centuries, when our country was facing the import of western culture as well as the invasion.
In a word, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy is a brief summary of Chinese philosophy with a great number of main details, and the vital part is to give us readers especially foreign ones a brief introduction of several chief schools including their main thoughts and characters.
The author, Professor Feng Youlan, had a lecture on Chinese philosophy in University of Pennsylvania. Then his English lecture scripts were collected and the book A Short History of Chinese Philosophy was published Macmillan USA. He taught foreign students this lecture using words as simple as possible, because it was difficult for them to understand so many short but nearly nonsense sentences. As a result, we can also easily understand some complicated and strange views of ancient ideologists.
For example, when the author talks about the way of achieving Relative Happiness and Absolute Happiness at first, as well as the distinguish between these two kinds of Happiness of Taoist school, I think


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