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Neurochemistry DOI.doc

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Neurochemistry DOI.doc



文档介绍:Ne 神经化学 DOI ---- Neurochemistry DOI. uro DOI: Development ofa plex as an anti-Amyloid Agent for the Therapy of Alzheimer_s Disease 铂复杂的发展作为一个种抗体代理 Alzheimer_s 疾病的治疗 Vijaya B. Kenche, Lin W. Hung, Keyla Perez, Irene Volitakes, Guiseppe otosto,Jeffrey Kwok, Nicole Critch, Nikki Sherratt, Mikhalina Cortes, Varsha Lal, Colin L. Masters,Kazuma Murakami, Roberto Cappai, Paul A. Adlard, and Kevin J. Barnham* 林 Vijaya b. Kenche Keyla 佩雷斯,Irene Volitakes Guiseppe otosto, 妮可不久后, 尼基中, 杰弗里·郭 Mikhalina 议会,Varsha Lal, 科林·l· 大师 Kazuma 村上,Roberto Cappai Paul a. 埃德拉德合作, 凯文·j· Barnham * Alzheimer_s disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease. Its pathological indicators include extracellular amyloid plaques, the main constituent of which is the amyloid b -peptide (Ab ), and neurofibrillary posed of hyperphosphorylated tau protein.[1] Current evidence suggests that the aggregation ofAbs drives the disease process, as various forms of aggregated Ab have been shown to be toxic,[2] resulting in the development ofa variety of therapeutic strategies that target Ab .[– 6] To date, most Ab aggregation inhibitors have been designed to target the hydrophobic central and C-terminal regions ofAb, which are in general conjugated polyaromatic molecules that are very hydrophobic.[7] Herein, we report a different approach to the design of aggregation inhibitors ofAb and d