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文档介绍:12 found a way to break a sentence that ’s much too long (over 4 lines) into two sentences? 1 broken upa paragraph that is way too long into two paragraphs? 14 tried to reduce your paper to its skeleton by making a one page outline of it? Might help you see if your paper anized in the best possible way. 15 Made all equivalent items look the same? NOT “ scheme 1... .Scheme 2” BUT “ Scheme 1... Scheme 2” 16 removed all contractions, such as“ can ’t” or “ couldn ’t”? and changed them to “ cannot ” or“ could not ”? 17 checked the columns of numbers in your Tables and made all the decimal points in the same column line up vertically? 18 put a noun right after “ this ” or“ these ” every time you use one of those words? 19 moved “ however ” away from the beginning of sentences to a spot later ina sentence where it sounds better? 20 made all your abbreviations the same? NOT 48 hrs hours 2h five h BUT 48hh2h5h 21 used strong definite words? NOT “ We have been interested in” BUT “ We have focused on” 22 used parallel wording where you lead your readers to expect it? NOT “ not only for fabricating. .but also for reduction ” BUT “ not only for fabricating. . .but also for reducing. ..” OR“ not only for the formation of. . .but also for the elimination of. .“ Don ’t mix words ending in“ ing ” with “ ion ” words. 2 proofread your paper times? At least! 24 read your paper aloud to yourself? 2


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