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[有关狮子与老鼠英语故事欣赏] 狮子和老鼠英语故事.doc

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[有关狮子与老鼠英语故事欣赏] 狮子和老鼠英语故事.doc

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[有关狮子与老鼠英语故事欣赏] 狮子和老鼠英语故事.doc



文档介绍:[有关狮子与老鼠英语故事欣赏] 狮子和老鼠英语故事
The Lion and the Mouse
Long ago a great lion was fast asleep in the wood. A mouse ran over the lion s paw. The great lion woke up and caught the little mouse, and was going to kill her. The poor mouse looked up. O dear Lion! Cried the Mouse; Do you kill me? Please spare my life. If you spare my life now, I will repay you some day. How can you repay me? said the Lion. You are too small to help a great lion. But he lifted the paw and away the mouse ran. Not long afterward, the lion was caught in a net, and could not get out. I can t break this net, he said, I m afraid I shall be killed. Just then the little mouse happened
to pass by. She ran up to the lion and said, Kind friend, I will help you. She cut the ropes of the strong net with her sharp teeth. Thank you, said the Lion. I see that even a little mouse can help a great lion.
很久以前,在大森林里面,有一只大狮子很快的睡着了。这时候一只小老鼠爬过了狮子的爪子。大狮子醒来了,抓住了小老鼠要吃掉她。可怜的小老鼠可怜的乞求到:尊敬的狮子您要杀掉我吗?如果你饶了我的命,我终有一天会回报您的。狮子说: 你怎样回报我呢?对帮助我这样一只大狮子来说你太微不足道了。 但是他松开了爪子放走了小老鼠。过了不久之后,狮子被网困住了,逃脱不了。狮子说 我打不破这张网,恐怕我要被杀了。 那时,小老鼠突然过来对狮子说: 善良的朋友,我会帮助你的。 她锋利的牙齿咬断了粗绳子。狮子说 谢谢你,我明白了一只小老鼠可以挽救一只大狮子。
Once when a Lion was asleep a little Mouse began running up and down upon him; this soonwak