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CET-4 用耳朵记单词(2000词).doc

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CET-4 用耳朵记单词(2000词).doc



文档介绍:1 CET-4 用耳朵记单词 D ay 1 consider [ kEn5sIdE ] ;考虑;关心例 We consider that you are not to blame. 我们认为不该责怪你。 involve [ In5vBlv ] vt. 使卷入,使参与;包含,牵涉例 Over the years ,I have gotten more involved in the planning of the action and stunts on my American movies and that makes me happy. 多年来,我更多地参与到美国电影中的动作与特技设计,这让我感到很愉快。 tend [ tend ] vi. 倾向,趋向 vi. 照管,护理例 So many young people — male and female alike — tend to overemphasize physical attri- butes. 很多年轻人——男人也好,女人也罢——都过分重视外表。 include [ In5klu:d ] vt. 包括,包含例 Amer- ica ’s working mothers say their ideal situation would include a part-time job , rather than working full time or staying at home. 美国上班妈妈们认为最理想的职业选择是兼职,而不是全职工作或做全职妈妈。 information [ 7InfE5meIFEn ] ,信息; 通知例 For further information , please write to me. 欲知详情,请写信给我。 issue [ 5Isju: ] ,争论点 ,出版; 分发,发给;流出,发出例 What ’s at issue here is the whole future of the industry. 争论的焦点是这个行业的总的前景。 offer [ CfE ] vt./n. 提供;提议,出价例 Televi- sion has begun to offer selected programmes from some foreign countries. 电视已经开始提供选自若干国家的节目。 require [ rI5kwaIE ] vt. 需要;要求,规定例 The work isn ’t up to the standard I require. 这工作没有达到我的标准。 result [ rI5zQlt ] ,效果;成绩,比分 vi. 导致;起因于( from …)例 The traffic was very heavy and asa result I arrived late. 交通非常拥挤,结果我迟到了。 view [ vjU: ] ;风景;(常 pl. )看法, 想法 vi. 看待;观察例 The house has a view over the sea. 这座房子面向大海,视野开阔。 level [ 5levEl ] ,水平线;水平,等级 ,水平的 v.(使)变平坦例 The water level of the Three Gorges Reservoir reached the predetermined meters Tuesday, five days ahead of schedule. 本周二,三峡水库蓄水位到达米高程,提前五天到达预定储水目标。 condition [ kEn5dIFEn ] ,状态;环境, 形势;条件,前提 vi. 训练,适应例 The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been identified. 尽管某些可导致癌症的因素已被发现,但根本原因还不清楚。 earn [ Z:n ] vt. 赚得,挣得,获得例 Clinton lost the public trust asa person but earned it asa president. 作为个人,克林顿失去了公众的信任,但作为一个总统,他却赢得了他们的信赖。 likely [ 5laIkli ] ,有希望的 ad. 可能例 He says he just forgot about it—a likely story! 他说他只是忘了——说得好像真的一样,我会相信才怪! process [ 5prBses, 5p