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上传人:hxhcwq 2021/4/17 文件大小:22 KB








  In the past, I thought that the water resources of the earth were so many. So, I often wasted water. Our water heater had a cold water before she had hot water. I often wasted it. Once I had
a computer About 72% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, but fresh water accounts for only % of all water resources. Nearly 70% of fresh water is fixed in the ice of the Antarctic
and Greenland, and the rest are mostly soil Water or deep groundwater can not be used by humans. Less than 1% of fresh water on Earth or about % of the water can be used directly by
humans, while China's per capita freshwater resources account for only a quarter of the world's per capita freshwater resources, and then I know that People use the water so little ah! I think:
I will not waste water later, and do a good night to save water.

  Since then, our family began a low-carbon life: with dig rice water dishes, vegetables, water, remove the leaves can be moored, mopping the water can be stored with open flush, a month down
to save Lots of water.

  In fact, we save so is not that we can not afford to pay for living, but we have to report the resources of nature.

  Let us act up! Let us live more blue sky, water cleaner, make our life mor


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