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上传人:dp4537 2016/6/1 文件大小:0 KB





文档介绍:I 摘要近年来,区域旅游协作浪潮席卷国内外,区域旅游协作问题也因此成为学者们关注的焦点,关于这方面的研究成果基本上形成了一个理论体系。在这种形势下,红色旅游的兴起首先就面临着区域协作发展的问题。一方面,区域旅游协作的压力使之难于强大;另一方面,区域旅游协作的经验、教训又为其提供了很好的指南。本文认为,将区域旅游协作的理论应用于红色旅游的发展,既是一个大胆的创新,也具有不可忽视的理论和实践指导意义。红色旅游区域协作的影响因素很多:经济因素、政治因素、文化因素、社会因素,旅游者因素、旅游投入因素、相关竞争因素,政策管理因素、协作规划因素、市场营销因素、产业组织因素、金融投资因素和人力资源因素等等。红色旅游区域协作直接涉及的因素也颇多,而且每个因素之间,因素集合与环境之间都具有强大的关联性,忽视任何一个因素的发展都可能导致整个协作的失败。也就是说,红色旅游区域协作是一个有机的系统,这个系统将随着旅游实践的发展而变得日益开放和完善。红色旅游区域协作这个有机的开放系统由四大子系统(理论系统、支持保障系统、机理系统与操作系统)组成。其中,理论系统主要研究红色旅游区域协作为何要开展以及怎样开展等一系列问题;支持保障系统包括政策系统、法律系统、组织系统、培训系统等子系统;机理系统包括信息系统、动力系统、利益系统等子系统;操作系统由协作指导思想、协作原则、协作目标、协作任务、协作模式等内容构成。韶山、花明楼、乌石伟人“金三角”旅游区是一个典型的经济系统。虽然三地红色旅游区域协作存在一定的威胁和劣势,但是无论在哪种情况下都有具体可行策略可供选择, 因此,这种区域协作是可行的,应该在全面规划的基础上尽快实施。关键词:红色旅游;区域旅游协作;经济系统;协作系统 II ABSTRACT In recent years, Regional tourism coope ration has e a national passion both abroad and at home. Regional tourism coopera tion has attracted more and more scholars engaging in this research, and their research has formed a theoretical system. Under the circumstances, the booming of Red tourism is facing the development of Regional tourism cooperation firstly. On the one hand, the pre ssure of Regional tourism cooperation sets obstacles in the way of Red tourism’s deve loping to be strong; On the other hand, the experience of the Regional tour ism cooperation give the deve lopment of Red tourism a good guideline. This paper holds that the application of tourism regional coop eration to Red tourism is not only an originality but also a meaningful guideline in theory and practice. Red tourism regional cooperati on is affected by a lot of factors: economic factor, political factor, cultural factor, social factor, to urist factor, tourism investing factor, competitive factor, policy factor, co operation factor, marketing factor, i ndustry factor, financial investing factor, personnel resources factor , etc. There is strong integra tion between these factors. The neglect of any factors will lead to the fail of the tourism c