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文档介绍:Toefl 听力之重听题 A. 问法: What does the professor imply when he says this: (replay) What can be inferred from the professor ’s response to the student? What is the purpose of the woman ’s response? Why does the student say this? 、同义改写 2 、背后含义:弦外之音欲言又止型、欲说还休型: 暗示某问题答案明知故问型:举例子,讲故事自问自答型: 解释某概念师生互动型: 课堂引导或鼓励自我更正型:口误一词多义型: such crude estimates …起承转合处: 表明意见变化,暗示新的行动或信息: next , Now, a word or two for sth … Tips: (1) 一定不考字面意思(2 )注意: 文章结构起承转合处:骨架、脉络语音语调诡异之处:个人态度特别注意: 严禁过度推断 HINT: 6 functions in IBT 1、 Explanation: Simply put/ Let ’s put in this way/ I think I should put it in this way/ I mean 2、 Conclusion: now to sum/ wrap up my speech 3、 Suggestion: You should/ may/ could/ … Just do sth 4、 Inspiration ( encouragement ): come on, you are supposed to know this/ you are the expert on what you are doing … tall order 5、 Emphasis: please bear in mind that …/ (Do) Remember/ please keep sth in mind that … 6、 Correcting mistake: wait a minute/ I made a slip of tongue,Excuse me, I’m sorry … did I say …? D. 态度题态度体现的方式: 1 、实词: adj./adv./n./v. 2 、语气 Tips: 注意语调、重音把握(1 )语气、语调、重读、小词(2 )把握态度上的肯定/ 否定(3 )喜欢/ 厌倦(4) 有兴趣/ 无兴趣(5 )满意/ 不满意/ 受挫 HINT: 6 tones in IBT 1、 Awful: woops! Uh-uh! Oh, no! Oh, dear! Oh, gee! 2、 Remind: I don ’t think you will do I was wondering if you will do something I don ’t imagine if you do… you haven ’t done something, have you? 、 Pity: what a shame that ’s too bad. I’m sorry t