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文档介绍:IBM 首席执行官精彩演讲 Good evening! It isa great honor for me to share this stage with the Lord Mayor, chief executive of Hannover, with Mr. Yang, and ina few minutes with Chancellor Kohl. I have been looking forward to this evening for a long time, because I have known for many years how important CeBIT is to the global Information Technology industry. So before I go any further I want to thank you very much for inviting me to participate in this important forum. Now I have given a lot of thought as to what I would say to you this evening. On the one hand, I am here asa representative of the Information Technology industry on the event that is bigger by orders of magnitude than any other technology exhibit. That is quite a statement ina industry that is good at many things, especially celebrating its own creations. On the other hand, like most of you, I have spent most of my professional life asa customer of this industry. SoI know that after the splash and es the harsh light of morning and often the customer is left standing alone wondering what happened, or as the head of one of our most important German customers put it, "Yours is an industry that is very good at weddings and not so good at marriages." So tonight, while I will talk about the power and potential of Information Technology, I hope the temper of my remarks with the perspective I had when I came to IBM five years ago, the perspective ofa customer. Now it is certainly easy to see why raw technology dominates these events. It is adoptive; it is breathtaking; and it is rating every aspect of our lives. Today there are more PCs sold annually in the world than TVs or cars. The typical luxury automobile today has 20 to 30 microprocessors in it, puting power by far than was inside the landing-craft that took the first astronauts to the moon. Last year there were five times more E-mail messages sent than the number of pieces of paper mail delivered worldwide, trillion E-mails. And I got more than my share. There