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文档介绍:石家庄世纪人和管理培训学校倾尽全力传播和创新管理知识 Web : T el: 0311-87883376 Web : Add :石家庄市中山西路 83号东方大厦 1430 室(东方购物中心西邻) T el: 0311-87883376 MBA 英语考试 2010 年 MBA 英语作文真题范文小作文 Dear Sir/Madam, I’ m writing to express our sincere thanks for your help you have offered tous during our stay in your country for the Sino-American cultural exchange. Without your careful treatment, we should not have found our feet in that city so rapidly. Without your adequate preparation, we should not have got so much knowledge about American culture as well. Ina word, but for you the exchange should not have progressed so perfectly. Now we have got back toour country and we all look forward toa further exchange between you America and China. e to china in the future. Again thanks very much for your help. Best wishes! Sincerely yours, LiMing 大作文大体是:手机订阅服务 As can be seen from the graph, a hotpot is boiling various kinds of words from both Chinese and Western culture. The words can be categorized as literature, moral values and performing arts. In my view, the picture shows us the modern Chinese society in which traditional and Western culture conflict with each other. Meanwhile kinds of different values merge into whole part in some degree. In the highly-integrated world today, we can connect each other very easily. So does the culture. Every one has to face up with kinds of alien culture besides our traditional culture. How