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文档介绍:Time Long long ago … Location Ancient Greece. The Gods and Goddess and some people. Chaos Gaea 盖亚 Uranus 乌拉诺斯 Coronus 克洛诺斯 Rhea 瑞亚 The other 8 Titans Epimetheus 俄浦米休斯 Prometheus 普罗米修斯 Zeus 宙斯朱庇特 Hera 赫拉 Juno Metis 莫提斯 Poseidon 海神波塞冬 Hades 冥王哈迪斯 Demeter 得墨忒耳 Ares 战神阿瑞斯 Hephaestus 赫淮斯托斯 Hebe 赫伯 Persephone 珀耳塞福涅 Leto 勒托 Dione 狄俄涅 Aphrodite 阿弗洛狄忒(维纳斯) Eros 厄洛斯丘比特 Athena 雅典娜 Apollo 阿波罗 Artemis 阿耳忒弥斯 Break ? Zeus is the Lord of Olympia . ?宙斯是众神之王。? Zeus is the little son of Coronus. He and his brothers and sisters fight with their father for ten years. Zeus won the war and put his father into prison. After that ,Zeus became the ruling of the rulers of the universe. ?宙斯为天神克洛诺斯与瑞亚所生的最小的儿子,他与哥哥姐姐一起,同他们的父亲开战。从此宙斯成为统治宇宙的统治者。宙斯与众神都住在奥林珀斯山上,他具有最大权威,能够使用可怕的雷电惩罚神与人,他知道神和人的一切事情,能预知未来。?木星: Jupiter [' d? u:pit ?]。太阳系八大行星之一。太阳系中最大的行星。? Poseidon is Zeus ’ s brother ,and his status is only second to Zeus. ?波塞冬是宙斯的哥哥,地位仅次于宙斯。? Poseidon and Zeus won the war against their father and then he ruled the ocean with his trident. He has the supreme authority in the water. ?他与宙斯一同战胜了父亲克洛斯之后,一同分割世界,他负责掌管海洋,以三叉戟主宰水域,在水上拥有无上的权威,是大地的动摇者。他能呼唤或平息暴风雨,轻易地令任何船只粉碎。?海神波塞冬的武器是三叉戟 trident [ ‘ traid ? nt ] 。有用三叉戟命名的客机和导弹,同时,玛莎拉蒂的车标也是三叉戟标志。?海王星: Neptune [' neptju:n ]。环绕太阳运行的第八颗行星。? Hades is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon. After winning the war ,he ruled the ghost Dom( 冥界). ?哈迪斯( Hades )是宙斯和波塞冬的哥哥,在战