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文档介绍:1 Airtight sealing device, outdoor application is available. Unique sealing ring design, it can perform good dust protection to avoid the dust permeate into housing body along with the shaft. The torque force is adjustable. The performance of torsion is stable and reliable. If the rotary paddle bears an extra overload, the motor will be appeared slide to prevent the inside mechanism damaged. It is rationally designed, the inside mechanisms are easily tore down for checking, maintenance and replacement. It doesn't necessary to remove plete set from the tank. Very suitable for small tank and material of low density FEATURES STRUCTURE PRINCIPLE APPLICATIONS MINI PADDLE TYPE LEVEL SENSOR Suitable for powdery producing & processing industries such as plastic, chemical, medical, forage, cement and fertilizer powders. PADDLE TYPE LEVEL SENSOR SHAFT FLANGE PADDLE CLUTCH MOTOR BODY MICRO SWITCH OIL-SEAL NUT BEARING TORQUE SPRING Micro Switch Oil seal Case BearingNut Clutch assembly Body Cable Shaft Motor Paddle The SE series operating principle is simple. A unit is usually located through a bin wall at the top, middle or low level of a bin. During normal operation (no material present) a synchronous motor rotates the paddle at 1 RPM. When this paddle rotation is impeded by material, surroanding the paddle, motor will stall and cause the Micro switch to change state. (indicating an alarm or control) 1 1 111 1 1 F lln eT ek ROTARY PADDLE LEVEL SWITCH 2 WHITE BLACK BLUE YELLOW RED . M L C H CONTROL SWITCH DEVICES WORKING PRINCIPLE AC110V or AC220V NO Available: SE110, 120, 130, 140, 160, 170 AC 24V or AC 110V or AC 220V NC COM NO Available: SE180 the synchronous motor is turning. It means that material isn't touching the paddles, the () stands for "terminal point connected". material is touching the paddles, () stands for "cut-off", () stands for "connected" the synchronous motor's current is


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