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文档介绍:Book II of The Vampire Chronicles THE VAMPIRE LESTAT Anne Rice This book is dedicated with love to Stan Rice, Karen O'Brien, and Allen Daviau Downtown Saturday Night In The Twentieth Century: 1984 The Early Education And Adventures Of The Vampire Lestat Part I- Lelio Rising Part II- The Legacy of Magnus Part III- Viaticum For The Marquise Part IV- The Children Of Darkness Part V- The Vampire Armand Part VI- On The Devil's Road From Paris To Cairo Part VII - Ancient Magic, Ancient Mysteries Epilogue: Interview With The Vampire Dionysus in San Francisco: 1985 Downtown Saturday Night In The Twentieth Century 1984 I am The Vampire Lestat. I'm immortal. More or less. The light of the sun, the sustained heat of an intense fire-these things might destroy me. But then again, they might not. I'm six feet tall, which was fairly impressive in the 1780s when I was a young mortal man. It's not bad now. I have thick blond hair, not quite shoulder length, and rather curly, which appears white under fluorescent light. My eyes are gray, but they absorb the colors blue or violet easily from surfaces around them. And I have a fairly short narrow nose, and a mouth that is well shaped but just a little too big for my face. It can look very mean, or extremely generous, my mouth. It always looks sensual. But emotions and attitudes are always reflected in my entire expression. I have a continuously animated face. My vampire nature reveals itself in extremely white and highly reflective skin that has tobe powdered down for cameras of any kind. And if I'm starved for blood I look like a perfect horrorskin shrunken, veins like ropes over the contours of my bones. But I don't let that happen now. And the only consistent indication that I am not human is my fingernails. It's the same with all vampires. Our fingernails look like glass. And some people notice that when they don't notice anything else. Right now I am what America calls a Rock Superstar. My first album has sold 4 million copies. I