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The shape of the world is changing almost as dramatically as this city's skyline. Today the cold war is over. The risk of the global nuclear conflict has been greatly reduced and the free flow of goods and ideas is bringing to life the concept of a global village. But just as all nations can benefit from the promise of this new world, no nation is immune to its perils. We all have a stake in building peace and prosperity, and in confronting threats that respects no borders—terrorism and drug trafficking, disease and environmental destruction. To meet these challenges most effectively, China and the United States must act in concert. Some argue that with the Cold War's end, the strategic importance of the US-China relationship has diminished. I believe they have it exactly backwards. As a new century begins, the importance of strengthening the ties between the United States and China will grow even greater.
Mom is a music teacher. She not only teacher her students what love is all about with her songs but tells me by what she does that showing filial respect to parents is a virtue of our Chinese nation. Now that Mom is sick, I must take good care of her and be a fine daughter who is filial towards Mom.
Dolphins, like whales, must surface to breathe air through a blowhole on top of their heads. Dolphins are social animals and love company. Many of them, in fact, even enjoy being around humans. It is not uncommon to hear of dolphins giving rides through the water to humans.
In addition to being playful, dolphins are helpful to men. For example, as 400 B. C. the Greek poet Arion was saved from drowning by a dolphin. From then until now, dolphins have been helping swimmers who are in trouble.
Swimmers, however, are not the only humans they help. In some parts of the world, they can be counted on to help men catch fish.
Moreover, dolphins are very intelligent. A dolphin's brain resembles a human brain, but it is la