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文档介绍:Last updated on the afternoon of January 3, 2021
1 Match a word from A and B and complete sentences 1─10. Use each word from A twice.
advertising / consumer / market / product / sales
Behavior / budget / campaign / forecast / launch / lifecycle / profile / research / segment / targets
1 The Product lifecycle is the length of time people continue to buy a particular product.
2 Market research showed very good potential for marketing the magazine to executives in the age range 25─35.
3 A consumer profile is simply a description of a typical customer.
4 Our company has established its brand name through a multi-million multi-media advertising campaign
5 The introduction of a product to the market is called the product launch.
6 Family and friends are a major factor in consumer behavior. They really influence what people buy, where and how.
7 A market segment is a group of customers of similar age and income level.
8 I don’t think cutting our advertising budget by half is a good idea. Our campaigns are highly successful and always generate huge profits in the long term.
9 Our representatives are under a lot of pressure to meet their sales targets.
10 I’m afraid I can only make a pessimistic sales forecast for February and March.
Language Review: Questions
2 Re-order the words to make questions.
1 much advertising do how on spend you How much do you spend on advertising?
12 does endorsement mean what What does endorsement mean?
13 strengths and are company’s weaknesses what your
What are your company’s strengths and weaknesses?
14 range did extend product their they when When did they extend their product range?
15 is team leading sales who your Who is leading your sales team?
3 Complete each question with an appropriate word.
16 __Did________ your market share increase last year?
17 ___What_______ kind of products do footballers endorse?
18 ____Are______ they doing any market research at the moment
19 _