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Unit 17 Money Management Business.doc

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Unit 17 Money Management Business.doc



文档介绍:到大家论坛下载更多金融英语资料 http://club./forum-111- 到大家论坛下载更多金融英语资料 http://club./forum-111- Unit17 Money Management Business Money Management Banking, stock broking, and fund management are converging. For investment banking houses, money management business isnot a question of whether to enter, but rather to "buy" or to "build". In1970, only 7of top 15 underwriters had affiliations with units that ran money. By 2003, nearly all major investment banks had drifted into fund management. Several factors have contributed to the growing importance of money management operations within investment banking business umbrella. Money management business 资金管理行业 Banking, stock broking , and fund management are converging . 银行业、证券经纪业和资金管理业正逐渐趋同。 C onverge: e from different directions and meet at the same point to e one thing [≠ diverge] : For investment banking houses, money management business isnot a question of whether to enter, but rather to "buy" or to "build. ". 对投资银行来说,资金管理行业不是什么是否进入的问题,而是要去“买”还是去“新建”的问题。 In1970, only 7of top 15 underwriters had affiliations with units that ran money 1970 年,顶级的 15家承销商中只有 7家拥有运营资金的附属机构。 By 2003, nearly all major investment banks had drifted into fund management. 200 3 年,几乎所有顶级的投资银行都介入了资金管理业务。 Drift: tomove slowly D rift into sth: to move, change, or do something without realizing it. 不知不觉的开始做某个事情 She was just drifting into sleep when her boss ing in. 当她迷迷糊糊刚要睡着的时候,经理近来了。(在这个句子中, nearly all major investment banks had drifted into fund management. 表达的意思是:几乎所有的顶级的投资银行都在不知不觉中介入了资金管理业务。) Several factors have contributed to the growing importance of money management operations within investment banking business umbrella. AC ontribute toB:A导致 B的发生, A是B的原因 Several factors have contributed to the growing importance of money management operations 有几个因素导致了资金管理业务的重要性,或者说有几个因素是资金管理变的越来越重要的原因。到大家论坛下载更多金融英语资料 http://club./forum-111- 到大家论坛下载更多金融英语资料 http://club./forum-111- (好, 我们再来看一下这句话中 umbrella 的意思, umbrella 本意是伞,在这里把 investment banking 比做一个