文档介绍:青岛大学毕业论文封面市地:青岛市 201 1年10月10日专业国际贸易姓名刘磊联系电话 ********** 准考证号 020509302473 档案号通讯地址青大东校区邮编266200 论文题目我国面临贸易摩擦的现状及其解决机制论文页数 14 指导教师戚建梅指导教师评估签名评审意见签名答辩评估签名毕业考核成绩签章年月日中文摘要:世界经济复苏曲折缓慢,各国保护国内市场和争夺国际市场的竞争激烈,贸易保护主义抬头,中外贸易摩擦出现新动向。贸易保护已经不再像以往那样仅仅围绕服装纺织、玩具等低端产品了,而是开始向高端产品延伸了,贸易摩擦的争执点也从单个产品向整个产业扩散。我国面临的贸易摩擦形势十分严峻。贸易摩擦是我崛起道路上的伴生物,是历史发展的必然趋势,我们应该科学理性地看待这一问题,沉着应对, 以科学和符合国际规范的手段来维护自身的经贸权益,弱化贸易摩擦对我国经济发展带来的种种消极影响,并更多地发挥其积极作用。本文首先从我国贸易摩擦的现状入手,客观地讲述了我国现阶段所面临的贸易摩擦形势,分析了当前我国面临的贸易摩擦的新动向和特点。其次,分析了国际贸易摩擦对我国的影响及其蔓延的原因。最后,研究并提出了我国应对贸易摩擦的策略和解决机制。关键词: 贸易保护主义、贸易摩擦、新动向、解决机制 Abstract: The world economic recover s slow ly, countries to protect domestic market and fighting for petition of the international market petitive, trade protectionism is on the rise, Chinese and foreign trade friction appear s new trend. Trade protection isno longer as badly as just around the textile and low end products such as toys, but begin s to high-end product s, the point of trade friction in dispute is from a single product to spread the whole industry. China faces serious trade friction situation. Trade friction is the itant of China's peaceful rise and the inevitable trend of the development of history, we should bea rational view on this problem, poised to respond to it, in conformity with the international standard and we need scientific means to maintain our trade rights and interests to weaken the negative influence on China's economic development that the trade friction will bring. This paper is first from the present situation ofour country's trade friction to tell the story ofour country facing the trade friction in these days objectively and analyses the new trends and characteristics of trade friction. Second , the analysis of the questions of international trade friction and the cause of the spread. Finally, research es and puts forward the strategy ofour country to deal with trade conflict . Keywords : trade protectionism ; trade friction ; new tendency; solution mechanism 目录 ..........