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  I Love My Hometown
  Lishui, where I was born and brought up, is a small and beautiful town Located in the coastal areas, being rich in fish and rice. Everyone is proud of her or his hometown. I was no exception .I love my hometown and I am so pleased to introduce my hometown to you.
  Surrounded by towering mountains, Lishui is the first pilot area of state-level ecological demonstration area in Zhejiang, with Ou river runs through. The sky is very blue and the water is very clean. You can often hear birds singing and sheep bleating, see big trees and nice flowers everywhere, and breathe fresh air full of the fragrant flowers. It just likes a cute lady stand quietly here, waiting for her beloved gentleman. It has many nice scenic spots, such as Xiandu, mountain Baishanzhu, Grottoes Shimen, and so on. The food here also tastes very delicious. Thousands of people from other parts of China and foreign countries come here every year, especially in holidays, most of who enjoy every minute here.
  My hometown is so lovely. All the more I love people there. The majority are hard working so as to make it richer and more beautiful. Furthermore, they are all friendly and warm-hearted to others. If one is in trouble, do not worry, there always be


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