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  When finish my graduation thesis, a few people really want to thank.

  First of all, I would like to thank Mr Von neumann. It was he invented the computer, that make me waiting shotgun in the cannon, copied from simple clippings and evolved into the copy and
paste. Greatly improve the speed of paper, thank you on behalf of millions of students.

  Second, more want to thank Mr. Bill Gates, he developed at the WINDOWS to save our time, via the Internet, we can gently knock on the keyboard can search to a huge mass of data. This is never
want to go to the library when the waste of time. Thank you, of course, by the way, baidu and GOOGLE. It is because of their powerful search function to find so much information.

  In addition, of course not forget the small websites provide free papers, they provide us with a lot of paper, stick to the tenet of serving the people, want to think, urgent need, to ensure
that the poor we can share resources in a timely manner. In contrast, the paper web site who charge should be put down shelves, and the service attitude, change fee for free, learn from the
free site! Everyone carries forward the spirit of sharing resources together, to build a harmonious society!

  The most can't forget is my dear teacher. He put down his divine master, like friends, and our friendly discussion papers, correct papers, copy data to guide me how to graft integration, how
to make my paper was found to have plagiarized phenomenon. Here I deep bow.

  And, of course, the paper rejoin the teacher. They kindly, care about students, considerate, defense meeting only ask a question: do you know what did you write this article? I said: I
know... Then I passed the defense. When I get a degree, the teacher's voice is always emerge in front of my eyes, I want to cry loudly: ah! Teacher, I love you! ,