Woman: OK. Now, if you think about the Chief Executive's problems for a moment...what doyou think he needs to tackle first?
Man: There are so many problems! Something needs to be done about the workforce, becausesome departments employ staff without the necessary training. In the long term, of course,they need to
develop the photocopiers themselves. But the priority must be to reverse the fallin revenue, even if it means cutting prices, in order to increase the sales volume. Unless they dothat, they'll
go out of business very soon.
Woman: And what about their advertising?
Man: Well, they're using modern media, like the Internet, and targeting their advertising morethan they used to, for instance, by moving from magazine ads to direct mailshots tocompanies. But
these have an old-fashioned feel to them; the layout and graphics don't seemto have changed for twenty years.
Woman: Right. Now, let's go on to...
Man: They seem to miss a lot of opportunities. When they visit a customer to install or repair aphotocopier, it's their chance to look at all the equipment there and suggest how Trident
couldsupply the company's needs better. Then there's their problem with spares, the Parts ServicesDepartment keeps stocks low, for financial reasons, but that means the eng