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WEF - 2021年推动能源系统有效转型报告 ?Fostering Effective Energy 正式版.pdf

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WEF - 2021年推动能源系统有效转型报告 ?Fostering Effective Energy 正式版.pdf

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WEF - 2021年推动能源系统有效转型报告 ?Fostering Effective Energy 正式版.pdf


文档介绍:Fostering Effective
Energy Transition
2021 edition
APRIL 2021
Cover: GETTY/Inakiantonana
Inside: All photos GETTY/AvigatorPhotographer; Nikada; rusm; Liam Matter; Kontrast-
fotodesign; Tongpatong; Federico Rostagno; Scharfsinn86; Genkur; Viktoriia Hnatiuk; Imantsu
3 Foreword
4 Executive summary
6 1. Introduction
10 2. The Energy Transition Index in a decade to deliver
15 3. Overall results
18 4. Sub-index and dimension trends
19 Key findings
20 System performance
21 Economic development and growth
23 Energy access and security
24 Environmental sustainability
26 Transition readiness
26 Regulation and political commitment
27 Capital and investment
27 Energy system structure
29 5. Building resilience to overcome new risks
31 Societies and policy
31 The risk landscape
32 Considerations to build a resilient transition
35 Energy systems and technologies
35 The risk landscape
36 Considerations to build a resilient transition of energy systems and technologies
39 Finance
39 The risk landscape
40 Considerations to build resilient finance to support the transition
43 6. Conclusion
44 Appendix
45 Contributors
46 Endnotes
© 2021 World Economic Forum. All rights reserved. No part of
this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, including photocopying and recording, or by
any information storage and retrieval system.
Fostering Effective Energy Transition 2021 edition 2
APRIL 2021 Fostering Effective Energy Transition
2021 edition