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上传人:文采飞扬 2021/5/9 文件大小:47 KB





文档介绍:Terminal Examination for Business English Reading of 2015~2016(Ⅱ)
The importance of Brand building in today’s global market
With the guidance of Mr. Qian we have successfully finished the study of Business reading course. This course is set to improve students’ prehensive ability, it has not only improved my English reading ability but also richen my business knowledge. In this term, Mr. Qian has led us learned four units of the text book. Among them, unit 8 ‘Brand and branding’ makes me interested most which is about the global market power of American brands and strategies behind their dominance. It is obvious that brand is important in today’s global market; therefore in this essay I will mainly talk about why brand building is important in today’s global market.
With the tides of globalization, numerous products flood into global market. Customers have multiple choices when they purchase goods as well as services. The market bees more and more petitive and capricious. In such background brands are more important now than at any time in the past 100 years. In this essay, first I will demonstrate the features of today’s global market and then I will introduce the definition of a brand, at last, I will talk about the importance of building a brand in terms of customers, new markets, product cycle and the pany value.
3. Today’s global market
In many wa


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