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文档介绍:Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】
The sisterhood of the travelling pants
Lena: Well, I don’t know if the wind blew them away or what, but they’re gone.
Carmen: Look, they’re not lost. She will find them. How big is Santorini
Lena: They’re lost.
Tibby: Are you sure she even really looked This is Effie we’re talking about. No offense.
Bridget: I hate to say this, but this never would’ve happened if the rotation wasn’t screwed up. You were supposed to send them to me.
Tibby: I’m sorry I didn’t get the press release you were in Ala-fricking-bama.
Carmen: Yeah, me neither.
Bridget: Oh, I’m sorry. It must have been lost along with “Tibby has a pregnancy scare.”
Carmen: Excuse me What pregnancy scare
Tibby: I didn’t want to worry you.
Bridget: You didn’t have a problem telling Lena.
Lena: I was here!
Tibby: I tried to tell you, when I came up to your place, you know. I wanted to tell you, but we got in that huge fight……
Lena: I emailed everybody.
Bridget: It’s not my fault, I have a lame server.
Carmen: Oh, well, thank God for email!You can have an entire relationship and not even look at somebody. Emails guys really That’s a lame. Let’s just focus on the pants.
Tibby: No, maybe this is a sign, you know. That we should just forget about it.
Bridget: What are you talking about,Tibby
Tibby: The pants, ok