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文档介绍:The document was prepared on January 2, 2021
Notre Dame Cathedral
Notre Dame Cathedral is a world famous masterpiece. In my eyes, the high reputation of it probably because the protagonist, Quasimodo. A badly ugly bell-ringer, growing up in a church, following Dom Claude Rollo the Archdeacon completely submit the Archdeacon.
At the beginning, I thought Quasimodo didn’t have the sense of right and wrong. There was a period of time when my aversion to Quasimodo was increasing rapidly. However, I gradually find that he is so much innocent and pure. At the last part of the opus, Quasimodo unexpectedly found that the Archdeacon he following also fall into deep love with the gipsy-girl. To avoid others getting the girl, the Archdeacon attempted to kill the knight but didn’t succeed. The Archdeacon thought it should be destroyed if he can’t own himself. Finally, the Archdeacon cruelly killed the charming girl. Meanwhile, Quasimodo pushed the Archdeacon into abyss. What moved me most is the last few of paragraphs. When people found the corpse of the girl, they discovered another one, a malformed man corpse. He held the girl so tightly that he turned into powder when they were separated.
A incarnation of justice, Rollo Archdeacon is actually the evil backstage manipulator. A beautiful but humble girl, La Esmeralda is actually so brave to love , to hate. An