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文档介绍:九年级英语Unit 9测试题

( ) in ______ yellow trousers is _____ honest student in our class.
A. The, / , an B. A, a, the C. The, /, / D. /, the, an
( )2 Do you remember any stories ________ by Steven?
A. write B. written C. writing D. wrote
( )3. Please ______ the bottle _________ water.
A. fill; with B. be full; of C. fill; up D. be filled; with
( )4. The man who ______ the notice there is my cousin.
A. is fixing up B. fixed up C. put up D. is putting up
( )5. The little girl was very upset, so her father felt like ____________.
A. giving her away B. cheering her up
C. calling her up D. making her happily
( )6. The people in this village have to walk a mile to _____ water.
A. bring B. take C. fetch D. fill
( )7. — _______ Jim ______ Tom passed the exam.
— Yes, both of them did quite well.
A. Neither; nor B. Not only; but also
C. Only; but D. Either; or
( )8. There’s something____________ can’t be taken in.
A. which B. that C. where D. what
( )9. Angela had to see the doctor, __________ she?
A. did B. hadn’t C. does D. didn’t
( )10. It’s Jim that ____________ a new idea for our journey.
A. thought up B. thought about C. came out with D. thought over
( )11. He ________ his holiday because his


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