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上传人:tswng35 2021/5/12 文件大小:804 KB




Passage 1
Tom and John are good friends. Tom is 12. John is 13. They are good students. They like hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher.
( )1. Tom and John are good friends.
( )2. Tom is 12.
( )3. John is 12.
( )4. They like eggs.
Passage 2
Hi, my name is Tom. I’m 9. I like English very much. My sister is Amy. She’s 5. My father is 39. My mother is 37. They love me. I love my family.
( )1. My name is _______ .
A. Amy B. Tom
( )2. My sister is ______ .
A . 9 B .5
( )3. My mother is _______.
A. 39 B. 37
( )4. I like _______.
A. English B. Chinese
Passage 3
I have a friend, Kate. She’s a girl. She’s American.(美国人) Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a nurse.(护士)
( )1. Kate is a .

( )2. She’s .

( )3. Her father is a .

( )4. Her mother is a .

Passage 4
Hello. I’m Tom. I’m at the zoo(动物园). Look at the tiger. This is a small tiger. It has a long nose. Who’s singing? Oh, it’s the bird in the tree.
( )1. I’m at the zoo.
( )2. This is a big tiger.
( )3. It has a long nose.
( )4. The bird in the sky is singing.
Passage 5
I have a pencil box. It’s blue. There are lots of things in it. I have a pen. It’s red and long. I like it. I have three pencils. They are short. I have a ruler. It’s big. I have an eraser. It’s small.
( )1. The pencil box is _____.
A .blue B. red
( )2. The pen is ______.
A. yellow B. red
( )3. I have ______ pencils.
A. 3 B. 2
( )4. The pencils are _______.
A. short B. long
( )5. The eraser is _______.
A. big B. small
Passage 6
I have a cat . It is a lovely(可爱的) cat. Her name is Dongdong.


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