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文档介绍:Text 1.
Do we need extra vitamins?
Many people believe that taking vitamin supplements is the best safeguard(保护、保卫) against the dangers of an incomplete diet, but this should be ①a last resort (最后手段)rather than a way out of a problem. Even if there is a genuine(真实的,真正的;诚恳的) need for extra vitamins, then sooner or later the question arises(出现;发生;站立) "which ones do I need, how much of them, and how often?" There is really no simple answer to this question. The Food Standards Committee guardians②保护者 of our laws on food purity, labelling(标记,贴标签;标明) and advertising clams(保持沉默,闭嘴不言) and descriptions) suggest in their recent report to the government that we do not need any extra vitamins. They say that they are "not necessary for a healthy individual 个人的;个别的;独特的
个人,个体 eating a normal diet". Whilst同时;时时,有时;当…的时候few of us would challenge their authority on the subject of nutrition it is, perhaps, pertinent相关的,相干的;中肯的;切题的to ask the question "how many of us are healthy, and what is a normal diet? "There is an element of doubt in many minds about these two aspects方面;方向;形势;外貌and though few people are familiar
熟悉的;常见的;亲近的with the wording措辞;用语;语法of the Food Standards Report they do wonder instinctively本能地if they are eating the right things. The blame for faulty eating habits is often placed at the door of the ubiquitous③(a. being everywhere, esp. at the same time 普遍存在的) junk and convenience foods. As we have seen, some of these are not the criminals they are made out to be White bread is only slightly些微地,轻微地;纤细地less nutritious than brown bread and frozen vegetables can be almost as "fresh" as fresh food. There are very few foods which can really be described as pure rubbish. Many pre-packed goods contain too much sugar and we would all benefit by avoiding these, but most tinned, processed处理的,加工过的and dried foods contain useful amounts of fat, protein, carbohydrate④(n. 碳水化合物), vitamins and minerals矿物;矿产,矿产品. The addition of a small amount of fruit or a side salad to


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