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文档介绍:UNIT 1
survey upset ignore calm concern
loose vet series outdoors spellbind
Matching Words with Definitions
1. a set of questions that you ask
2. unhappy and worried
to make someone feel sad, worried, or angry
3. to pretend that you have not noticed someone or something
to not consider something or not let it influence you
4. relaxed and quiet, not angry, nervous, or upset
to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional
5. feeling of worry; anxiety; something that you think is important
to make someone feel worried or upset
6. not firmly fixed; not fastened together; not tight; not tied up
7. person who is skilled in the treatment of animal diseases and injuries
8. several events or things of a similar kind that happen one after the other
9. in the open air; outside, not in a building
10. to bind or hold by or as if by a spell
Sentence Completion
Using the answer line provided, complete each item below with the correct word form.
Excuse me, I ' m doing a about food likes and dislikes, would you please
answer me some questions
I wish to be a good in the future — I really like animals.
The rain prevented us from eating so we had to stay at home.
Computer games can many children. They just cannot put the games down.
James was very because he had lost his train ticket this morning.
Don' t your girlfriend ' s feelings, or she will be very upset.
Don' t upset. Try to keep and just tell me what happened.
Thank you for your . I ' m feeling much better now.
A: Your shoelace is . Why don ' t you tie it up
B: Oh, thank you for your concern.
As a high school student, you probably have to take a of tests and exams
each month.
Multiple-choice Questions
1. Excuse me, I am doing a/an about learning English. Can I ask you
some questions
a. research b. study c. survey d. investigation
2. Don ' t do anything that would upset your .
a. parents b. boss c. teacher d. girlfriend
3. The best way to