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文档介绍:Unit 7 Environment
Period 1
1 To learn the cause of the Greenhouse Effect
2 To learn how to be a green consumer
3 Ask students to talk about the environmental problems 。
1 SB 8A, pages 98 to 100
2 Photocopiable page 1
Teaching procedure
Pre-reading preparation
1 Ask students to read the first paragraph and the headings in the review. Then try to answer three questions.
Check the answers:
1 The name of the book is The Young Green Consumer Guide.
2 A green consumer is someone who only buys goods that will not harm the environment.
3 The main topic of the book is which goods are harmful and which are environmentally friendly.
4 Five.
2 Work in groups. Ask students to think about the following questions and try to find out the possible answers.
1 What is happening to the ozone layer?
(Huge holes have appeared over the North and South Poles.)
2 What will the result be?
(Dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun will reach us, causing cancer and blindness, and destroying the food chain in the oceans.)
3 What are we cutting down without thought?
(Tropical rain forests.)
4 What causes global warming?
(Pollution from burning carbon-based fuels like petrol, oil, coal and wood.)
5 What should we do with our rubbish?
(Sort it out and recycle glass, plastic, paper and metal.)
What can ordinary people do?
(Buy envir