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文档介绍:Chapter 1 The Basic Principles of Writing
Learning Objectives
To learn how to understand the five principles.
Understand characteristics of business writing.
Use 3C’s rules and KISS Principles.
Learn how to say “No”.
Think critically and solve problems.
Chapter 1 The Basic Principles of Writing
Five Keys to Effective Writing
Effective business writing meets five basic principles: it’s clear, complete, and correct; it saves the reader’s time, and it builds goodwill.
1. Is clear. The meaning the reader gets is the meaning the writer intended. The reader doesn’t have to guess.
2. Is complete. All of the reader’s
Questions are answered. The reader has enough information to evaluate the message and act on it.
3. Is correct. All of the information in the message is accurate. The message is free from errors in punctuation,spelling,grammar,word order,and sentence structure.
4. Saves the reader’s time.
The style, organization, and visual impact of the message help the reader to read, understand,and act on the information as quickly as possible.(Time is Money)
5. Builds goodwill. The message presents a positive image of the writer and his or her organization. It treats the reader as a person,not a number. It cements a good relationship between the writer and the reader.
How to Create Messages that Meet the Principles
To create good messages, use this seven-step process:
Before you write,
1. Analyze your audience, your purposes,and the situation.
2. Use this analysis to organize your information.
3. Use this analysis to design your papers
Revise your documents to
4. Be friendly and businesslike.
5. Emphasize the positive. (The glass is half full, not half empty.) 多说半杯满,避说半杯空
6. Use standard English; double-check names and numbers. After your message is delivered,
7. Use the response you get to measure your success and to help you plan future messages.
Characteristics of Business Writing
Business writing c