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文档介绍:北京市丰台区第二部分:知识运用(共两节, 45 分) 21. She studied medicine before she became writer . A. the; theB. the; aC .不填;aD .不填; the ’m working this evening because I am schedule with my work . A. behind B. beyond C. over D. on 23. What one person considers a wild flower may bea weed to. A. other B. another C. the other D. the others 24. Stop making so much noise the neighbours will plaining . A. orB. and C. soD. yet 25. From the tears in Nancy' s eyes we know that something sad ______ . A. may happen B. would happen C. must have happened D. should have happened 26. Joe ’s remarks left me ______ his real purpose . A. wonder B. to wonder C. wondering D. wondered 27. The reporter apologized for any misunderstandings ______ by his article on that film star. A. causing B. caused C. to cause D. being caused 28. ______ about the delay of the match, I hurried to the court but didn't see anybody . A. Not informing B. Not being informedC . Not having informed D. Not having been informed 29. Scientists say it may be five years ______ it is possible to test this mde l cine on human patients .A. since B. until C. before D. when 30. Many people called to ask ______ the match was indeed canceled because of the rain . A. why B. when C. how D. if 31. She remembered several occasions in the past ______ she had experienced a similar feeling . A. when B. why C. that D. where 32. Since he left our school last