文档介绍:大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计 1 摘要本课题最初在翻阅大量资料的前提下完成了调研报告和一篇外文翻译。在调研报告中介绍了机械制造工艺的现状。简单的说明了本次设计的研究内容、研究方法,以及进度安排等,使后续工作可以有条不紊的进行。外文翻译主要关于材料制备在机械设计理论中的新趋势和新问题, 在全面综述材料制备机械技术及设备发展动态的基础上, 提出了研究领域的几个新问题和发展方向。本次研究对零件进行合理的工艺设计,包括零件每一道工序的选用设备、切削刀具、切削用量、定位方式等,并要求绘出工序图。另外要求对某夹具进行设计。使学生能把所学的机械制造工艺,金属切削原理及工艺装备设计基础知识系统有机结合起来, 为培养学生独立的分析问题和解决问题的能力打下良好基础。本设计是 CA6140 制动杆零件的加工工艺规程及一些工序的专用夹具设计。 CA614 0 杠杆零件的主要加工表面是平面及孔。一般来说,保证平面的加工精度要比保证孔的加工精度容易。因此,本设计遵循先面后孔的原则。并将孔与平面的加工明确划分成粗加工和精加工阶段以保证孔的加工精度。基准的选择以杠杆外圆面作为粗基准,以孔及其下表面作为精基准。先将底面加工出来,然后作为定位基准,在以底面作为精基准加工孔。整个加工过程选用组合机床。在夹具方面选用专用夹具。考虑到零件的结构尺寸简单,夹紧方式多采用手动夹紧,夹紧简单,机构设计简单,且能满足设计要求。在本次学习中基本了解夹具设计和原理,夹具方面的基础知识掌握的也得到牢固, 进一步明确了设计部件的层次,同时训练了电脑绘图软件在机械设计中的应用。使整体的设计能力得到了很好的提高和锻炼。关键词: 杠杆零件,加工工艺,夹具,定位,夹紧大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计 1 Abstract At first I have red large amounts of data plete the research report and a foreign language translation. The research report describes the status of the mechanical manufacturing process. A simple description of the contents of this study design, methods, and the progress of the arrangements. Those are the conditions for work .Foreign language translation mainly about the new trends and new problems in the theory Materials of Mechanical Design. After Summarizing the Materials Mechanical Technology and development of Equipment, it proposed several new areas of research and development issue. It isa rational design of parts in this study, including equipment, cutting tools, cutting, positioning, etc., and drawing the process diagram. Another requirement is designing a fixture. So that students can learn bine mechanical manufacturing processes, metal cutting equipment, design principles and basic knowledge of systems technology ,To improve the analysis of problems independent and the skills of solving problem. This paper is to design the craft processes of making the CA6140 lever spare parts and some specialized tongs in the process. The CA6140 lever spare part primarily processes the surface and bores. Generally speaking, to guarante