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文档介绍:§ §5 5 Application Application § §3 3 Torque Work done by torque Torque Work done by torque § §4 4 Theorem of angular momentum Theorem of angular momentum Law of conservation of angular momentum Law of conservation of angular momentum § §1 1 Kinematics of Rigid bodied Kinematics of Rigid bodied Rotation of Rigid bodies § §2 2 Rotational ic energy Rotational ic energy Moment of inertia Moment of inertia § §1 1 Kinematics of Rigid bodied Kinematics of Rigid bodied 刚体运动学刚体运动学:t?1 1 The translation motion The translation motion 刚体的平动刚体的平动 A B t: AA' ; ;' BB'A 'B ' ||' BB AA''BA AB ? Conclusions (1) The displacements are equal in same times (2) Position vectors, velocity, accelerations are equal A point of rigid mass expresses the motion of rigid Questions : (1)刚体的平动是否一定是直线运动? '' BB AA ?不一定(2)刚体的平动是否一定是平面运动? 不一定 2 2 Rotation of rigid Rotation of rigid 刚体的转动刚体的转动(1) Rotation of rigid (2) Axis 转轴(3) Fixed-axis-rotation of rigid 刚体的定轴转动 The plane 转动平面???,,?O Conclusions (1) The plane of every mass is perpendicular to the axis (2) The displacements, velocity, accelerations are not equal (3) The angular displacements, angular velocity, angular accelerations are equal 3 3 The physical quantities related to angle The physical quantities related to angle OX Angle 角坐标? 12?????? 1? 2?BA Angular velocity tt td d lim 0?????????(1) Related quantities Angular displacement ?P Angular acceleration tt otd d lim ?????????(2) Motion Equation Motion Equation t????? 0txxv?? 0 Uniform circular motion 2002 1tt??????? Uniform Angular-acceleration circular motion 2002 1attxx???v Generality ? and ? vary with t, calculating particularly 3 3 The physical quantities related to angle The physical quantities related to angle (1) Related quantities ????????(2) Motion Equation Motion Equation ?= constant t????? 0?= constant 2002 1tt???????F一般情况: constant ?? constant ??(3) Rel


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