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上传人:hezifeixiang 2021/5/24 文件大小:92 KB





( ) 1. Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound?
A. down allow B. check school C. fear early
( ) 2. Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letters of the word “lost”?
A. love B. post C. topic ( ) 3. Which word of the following doesn’t have the same stress as the others?
A. Exact. B. Subject. C. Reflect.
( ) 4. You can never imagine what excellent surprises you’ll achieve based on your hard work. Come on, boys and girls!
A. / B. an C. a
( ) and Joan look exactly the same. Their friends often mistake them _ each other.
A. of B. for C. with ( ) 6.─How do you like your National Day Holiday ?
─Very much! But I regretted too much time on games.
days, taking B. 7-day, spending C. 7 days’, to spend ( ) 7. ─What do you think of your school, Linda?
─It’s a good place for us to ourselves for the future.
predict B. provide C. prepare ( ) 8. ─ I heard you took your son to Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)last month.
─Yes. My son was to see little sheep on the grassland.
exciting, such B. excited, so C. excited, such ( ) 9. —When would you please help me with the exam skills?
— day is OK from this Sunday to next Saturday.
A. Either B. All C. Any
( ) 10. —I wonder if our teacher Miss Green us to the zoo tomorrow?
─Don’t worry. I’m sure if it is fine, she us there.
A. takes, will take B. will take, will take C. will take, takes
( ) 11. The number of volunteers in our school, including some teachers, in the past few years.
A. was increased B. has increased C. have increased
( ) 12. E-safety needs more attention these days. Don’t give any response( 答 复 ) to any e-mail
your personal information, no matter how official it is.
A. requiring B. to require C. required
( ) 13. Mary took up singing to deal with her shyness. As she got better, she in public.
How excited she was!
dared singing B. dared to sing C. dares sing ( ) 14. —What happened to France’s most


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