文档介绍:The document was prepared on January 2, 2021
Unit 1 introduction
文化是冻结了的人际交流,而交流是流动着的文化. Pearce, 1994.
It is said that there are at least 150 definitions about culture.
“Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks”(Sapir, 1921)
“Culture is man’s medium, there is not one aspect of human life that is not touched and altered by culture. This means personality, how people express themselves, including shows of emotion, the way they think, how they move, how problems are solved, how their cities are planned and laid out, how transportation systems function and are organized, as well as how economic and government systems are put together and fuction.” . Hall,1959)
“A culture is a collection of beliefs, habits, living patterns, and behaviors which are held more or less in common by people who occupy particular geographic areas” , 1978)
1). 文化是由人们的内隐和外显行为组成的。内隐是文化的规则性;外显表现为人们的交际行为。
2). 文化不是与生俱来的,而是通过符号被人们习得和传授的知识
3). 历史所衍生及选择的传统观念,尤其是世界观,价值观等文化核心成分,会像电脑程序一样为人们编制交际行为的内容和方式,因此世界观,价值观被称之为文化实体,民族性格。
4). 文化是群体行为规则的集合,可以被理想的推定出现在某一社会或群体的所有成员的行为之中。这样,我们就有了诸如中国文化,美国文化,东方文化,西方文化等提法。
5). 文化是一种集体无意识,其产物就是群体或民族中心主义。群体民族中心主义是人类在交际过程中,无意识的用自己的文化作为解释和评价别人行为的标准。其结果是:自己的行为被无意识的被认为是正确的。因此,群体或民族中心主义会导致交际失误,严重时会带来文化冲突。
. Hall has pointed out : “Culture controls behavior in deep and persisting ways, many of which are outside of awareness and therefore beyond conscious control of the individual.”
Therefore, culture can be viewed as an iceberg. Nine-tenths of an iceberg is out of sight (below the water line ). Likewise, nine-tenths of culture is outside of conscious awareness, which is called “deep culture”.
文化的深处时常并不是在典章制度之中,而是在人们洒扫应对的日常起居之间。 一举手,一投足,看似那样自然,不加做作,可是事实上却完全没有任意之处,可以说都受着一套从小潜移默化中得来的价值体系所控制。在什么场合下,应当怎样举止,文化早替我们安排好,不必我们临时考虑,犹豫取决。愈是基本的价值,我们就愈是不假思索。行为