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Preface iii
Figures. vii
Tables viii
Summary ix
Acknowledgements xix
Abbreviations xx
Introduction 1
Background 1
Research Purpose and Approach 2
International Comparisons 3
Selection of Country Case Studies 4
Presentation of Findings 4
Case Study: Singapore 7
Country Overview 7
Singapore Armed Forces 8
2020 Threat Assessment 10
Planning Model 11
Activation 13
Attributes and Principles—Exercising Mobilisation Plans 14
Forecast Trends 17
Case Study: Finland 19
Country Overview 19
Finnish Defence Forces 20
2020 Threat Assessment 23
Planning Model 24
Activation 26
Attributes and Principles—Exercising Mobilisation 27
Future Trends 29
Case Study: Switzerland 31
Country Overview 31
Swiss Armed Forces 31
2020 Threat Assessment 34
Planning Model 35
Activation 38
Attributes and Principles—Exercising Mobilisation Plans 40
Future Trends 43
5: Case Study: Sweden 45
Country Overview 45
Swedish Armed Forces 46
2020 Threat Assessment 47
Planning Model 48
Activation 52
Future Trends 53
Case Study: United States 56
Four Pillars of the . National Security 56
Planning Model 59
Activation 60
Attributes and Principles: Mobilisation of Civilian Resources 61
Observations 69
Mobilising for What Type of Threat? 71
Grey-Zone Activities 71
Impacts of New Technology 72
Adopting a Risk-Based Approach 73
Modern Deterrence 74
Learning from Total Defence Concepts 75
Observations for Australia 79
Mobilisation for Domestic Catastrophic Disasters 83
Recent Experience of Domestic Defence Support 83
Mechanisms for Mobilising Defence for Catastrophic Domestic Emergencies 85
Observations on the Australian Approach to Disaster Management 88
The History of Australia’s Mobilisation for War 91
Introduction 91
First World War 91
Interwar Period and Second World War 92
1950s 95
Vietnam War and Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation 97
1990s 97
Afghanistan 98


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2024年市场活动策划书模板 20页

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基于学生学习风格的英语精读学习策略培养研究.. 2页

2024年工程项目目标管理责任书 26页

2024年工程造价专业自荐信4篇 5页

低碳服务业碳足迹评估与认证 31页

垃圾数据分析与决策支持系统 31页

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老中医凉茶全国招商 30页

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