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上传人:AIOPIO 2021/5/28 文件大小:81 KB




文档介绍:摘 要
At knowledge-based economy ages, the function of corporate culture is very important。 Each hour of cultural each time engrave all at to politics, economy, society, live to produce latent influence, develop the function that can't neglect. Pass the importance to the basic content, corporate culture of corporate culture, especially elaborate of the groundwork of corporate culture, let people cognize, understanding, then value corporate culture construction, make people explicit, only inherit and develop the excellent and traditional culture of Chinese nation, absorb and draw lessons from mankind advanced culture, then can start to build up excellent Chinese corporate culture, then can start to build up a more perfect socialism market economy a system, carry out cheerful enterprise, rich the people, big country's target。 Understanding of corporate culture first three aspects of the definition of corporate culture, background and development trends, and then from the function and status of the two aspects of corporate culture on the significance and role of the corporate culture, and specific analysis of the content and status of the Amway Corporation, the corporate culture。 Finally, proposed the establishment of countermeasures and suggestions of good corporate culture. In short, whether the Chinese companies can grow into a world—class enterprise, the longevity of the company has a close relationship with the success or failure of the building of enterprise culture。 If an enterprise does not have a good corporate culture, it will lose driv