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My Favorite Sport
I am an active girl,and I like doing sports very favourite sport is often go to swim with my good friend likes swimming , she is very good at always swims better than me. When I am swimming in the pool, I am very happy. I look like a lovely fish in the pond. I enjoy swimming, because swimming can make me strong and healthy. It can also bring me a lot of happiness. Of course, I like watching this sport. I hope I will become a swimmer in the future.
Interest Is the Best Teacher
Everyone has many teachers during his or her life. But there is one which is the best among them always staying with you. That is interest. Interest is a very good teacher. It guides you to discover things you are interested in and explore the mysteries of some amazing thing. When your teacher asks you to learn something, you are forced to, not active. But if you are interested in something, you will be glad to study it. You will search everything related until you understand it. Gradually, youll be an excellent person.
The famous scientist, Newton, is a good example. When the falling apple drown from the tree, and hit his head, he got a keen interest. He conducted a lot of experiments and research manydate, at last he got the law of universal gravitation and became a famous scientist. Rooted in everyones heart, interest is not far away from us. Whats the most important is how you take it. The more you receive messages sent by interest, and the more successful you will be.
My Hometown
Here I would like to tell you something about my hometown---Luan Xian. It is a beautiful town with a long history and old culture. The ancient city of Luanzhou has a lot of sight spots, like Yingbin Square, Guandi Temple, Confucian Temple, Luanzhou Government, Official Pavilion, Ancient Stage, etc. People go to the square for fun, they dance and hang out there. Many people like coming here for vacation or weekend


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