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具体要求: 1、以小组为单位编写一份8开8版的英文手抄报。 2、Front page在整版纸的右上方;必须有刊头,刊头下写明Exhibition of Practice Course (Dec., 2008 –Jan., 2009) by Team *, Class **, School of Foreign Studies, Hunan University of Science Supervisor: ***; Editor-in-chief: ***; Editor:***; Designer: ***; Members: ***,***。

I see the bread-winner still working hard under the fervent sun, soaking with sweat. I see mothers and wives devoting themselves fully on the domestic chores, waiting her husband and child back home. I see the children playing on the school ground, enjoying themselves totally in the care-free world with naive smile on their face. But I also see the concrete gigantic buildings collapsing in the twinkle of eyes, only hearing the slam bang and seeing the floating ashes on the sky. I see the men crying for their wives and children desperately towards the ruins. I also see a large crowds lying on the ground, which is floating with flood.
The above are the images I can imagine before and after the earthquake about Wenchuang earthquake in ,our China takes place more and more
natural disasters in recent years, such as mudslide, drought, earthquake, floods and so on, through which many people suffer a lot, both in material and in spirit aspects.
So we should think the urgent problem: why our China suffers more and more natural disasters in recent years? Excessive deforestation, grazing and exploiting resources inordinately may be the reasons, for many of us hold the conception that the natural resources is endless and human beings control the nature. And the facts evidence that they are woefully mistaken, for nature begins revenging on the enemies-our human beings through his own ways.
Therefore, we should seat down and think patiently and calmly how to deal with this urgent situation, otherwise, we would be responsible for the consequences one day for what we have done to the nature.(By Chen Huanya)



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