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文档介绍:The National Eagle Scout Association ional Eagle Scout Registry EAGLE SCOUT ROLL OF HONOR 2008 EAGLE SCOUT ROLL OF HONOR T he Eagle Scout Award. It’s Scouting’s highest rank and among its most familiar icons. Men who have earned it count it among their most treasured possessions. Those who missed it by a whisker remember exactly which requirement they didn’plete. Americans from all walks of life know that being an Eagle Scout is a great honor, even if they don’t know just what the badge means. The award is more than a badge. It’s a state of being. You are an Eagle Scout—never were. You may have received the badge as a boy, but you earn it every day as a man. In the words of the Eagle Scout Promise, you do your best each day to make your training and example, your rank and your influence count strongly for better Scouting and for better citizenship in your troop, in munity, and in your contacts with other people. And to this you pledge your sacred honor. The History of the Eagle Scout Award v vi National Eagle Scout Association 2008 Eagle Scout Directory The Genesis of the Eagle Scout Award Given the Eagle Scout rank’s prominence, it might be surprising that it had no place in the original Boy Scout advancement program. Scouting for Boys, Robert Baden-Powell’s 1908 Scout handbook, included just three classes of Scouts—Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class—along with the Wolf badge, which was “a reward for very special distinction.” This badge was so significant that no more than one would be granted each year. The wolf seemed an appropriate symbol. In 1896, when B-P was fighting in what is now Zimbabwe, Matabele tribesmen nicknamed him Impeesa, meaning “the wolf that never sleeps.” Ernest Thompson Seton, whose Woodcraft Indians program helped inspire the creation of Scouting, called himself Black Wolf. After the Boy Scouts of America was founded in 1910, Seton created a proof edition of the American Handbook for Boys


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