Employee Engagement Survey
July, 2007
This Employee Survey is organized and
independently administered by Hewitt Associates,
a global human resources management consulting company.
' 本次员工满意度调查由翰威特咨询公司 '
Instructions 问卷说明
We believe that your ideas can create value for our company. As we continue our growth and success, the involvement and input of our people is even more critical. That is why we are establishing this two-way communication channel and asking you to tell us what you think一about the company, about your working environment, and about our efforts towards partnering for performance.
我们坚信员工意见能够为公司创造价值。随着公司的不断发展和取得成功,员工的积极参与和发表意见对公司来 说将愈发重要。因此,我们希望建立这一双向沟通的渠道并就一系列的问题征求您的看法。
This survey asks fbr your candid perceptions and constructive opinions on a variety of topics regarding the company, work, and work environment. Please respond to each statement from your own perspective.
本次调查邀请您针对公司、工作状况、工作环境等诸多方面发表您真实的看法和建设性的反馈。请根据您自己的 实际想法进行回答,不必受他人所影响。
There is no right or wrong answer. For each statement, please tick the response that best represents your opinion. If you do not have an opinion or knowledge about a certain question, or if it does not apply to you, please leave it blank. 答案无对错之分。在每一个问题后,用打勾“小'的方式选择最能表述您真实看法的选项。如果您不了解某一个问 题或觉得这个问题与自己无关,可以跳过此题。
This survey is anonymous. Your completed questionnaire is confidential, They will bv sent directly to Hewitt Associates. No one at BI has the ri^ht to see your individual responses.
这次调查是不记名的。问卷答案绝对保密。您的答案将直接提交给翰威特公司。XXX内部的任何人均无权查看员 工个人的答案。
To assure consistent result of the survey, we are giving the following definition for terms used in the survey. Please read carefully before starting to complete the questionnaire.
本次调查中,为确保获得一致的调查结果,我们需要定义下列术语。请仔细阅读下列定义,这将有助于您顺利完成问 卷。
Terms 术语
Legal Entities
"Senior Management"
Director level and above
All types of