文档介绍:一、名词解释 1. To look quantitatively at the utilization of all ponents is plex. However, since feeding, growth, and production can be described in terms of partition of dietary energy ponents between catabolism as fuels and anabolism as storage in tissues, the study of the balance among dietary energy intake, expenditure, and gain offers a relatively simple way of looking at ponent utilization by animals. This approach is called bioenergetics or nutritional energetics. 定量的检测日粮中单一成分的利用是相当复杂的。但是可以通过在分解和合成代谢中能量的产生和在组织中存储的总的形式来分析投食、生长和产量的情况。因此通过研究日粮中能量的摄入、支出和储存之间的平衡关系,可以为动物对日粮中营养物质利用的研究提供了一个相对简单的方法。这种方法被成为生物能量学或营养能量学。 2. Apparent digestible energy (ADE) = IE? FE True (or standardized) digestible energy = IE?(FE ? FmE) 表观消化能( ADE )=摄入总能-粪能真消化能=摄入总能-(粪能-源自新陈代谢的粪能) 3. High-energy (fat) diets are formulated to increase the growth performance of the fish for a given amount of feed by maximally exploiting the protein-sparing effect of high-energy lipid and allowing as much of the dietary protein as possible to be converted into muscle protein. 高能( 脂肪) 日粮是在给定的投喂总量前提下,高能日粮为蛋白质起到最大节约效果,为增加鱼体的生长效益而设计的,让日粮中更多的蛋白质转化为体内肌肉的蛋白质。 4. Vitamin : Vitamin is necessary in safe guarding the health of fish ,promoting the growth and development and vagulating the physiological functions , it’sa kind of low molecular pounds. 5. Weight gain : 100 × (final body weight - initial body weight) / initial body weight