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上传人:rovend 2021/6/13 文件大小:147 KB




文档介绍:摘 要
关键字:噪音,政府管理, 污染
A city civilization manifests in the urban environmental construction and in resident's quality, in the urban development the contamination concern is an important link, in the urban inhabited area noise, the noise, immediate influence residents daily life. The noise from many aspects, for instance the construction work, the small merchant hawks, business and recreation area activity and so on. nobody can escape in the terrestrial space noise, that is a kind of discomforting sound, causes the humanity to live the stealth murderer who the work stirs up trouble. The noise will be one kind of disturbance environment pollution, the noise pollution will become a significant hidden danger to threaten person life quality. In the pasts 30 years, the noise pollution in all domains, specially in the urban area, rapidly increased. Many influence human environment, affects the noise pollution which we live in gradual increase, slowly, is affecting our physiology and the psychological health unconscious, is affecting our life. the city environmental protection bureau 12369 suit hot lines accept in the situation, the noise became the resident to sue most pollution. The government should strengthen to the city life noise pollution government, improves we environment. this article obtains from the introduction noises pollution, to introduce that the noise pollution lives the work to the humanity as well as the health harm. Thr


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