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Hello!My name is Li Weihua! I��m a timid boy ,But I want to be a happy boy.
I��m of medium height, I��m thin and shy,I have two big eyes and a big nose, My mouth is big ,too,I��m fourteen years old.
I like to play sports,But I like reading think books can give me also like to listen to music.
I have many friends We all know friends are very important. They��re like mirrors. You can find your bad or good. My friends like me. I hope I can be one of them.
I have a young brother. He is very cute. I like him. I also must take care of him. I have two persons who love me, my parents. They��re my first teachers. I love them,too.
I love life. The life can give me much. I wish to be a winner of the life.
Do you want to make friends with me? And you can be the person I love.
Reply or ment:Of course I want to make friends with you.
My name is LiJian .I am a shot and heavy boy .I am a little shy .But most time, I'm I am a happy can see I always laugh.
I have black short hair and not big 'm not I don't care about it.
Sometimes I can't face anything scary.
So sometimes, my friends play a trick on me.
What are my hobbies? Well, I like sports. I like to play badminton. And I can do it well. I also like to watch One Piece is my favorite. I don&#39