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文档介绍:III 摘要破产重整制度是我国新破产法规定的一项崭新法律制度,是积极拯救困境企业的一***律举措,它与和解制度、破产清算制度一起构成现代破产法律制度的三大基石。它是随着市场经济的不断发展,在破产制度日益完善的进程中产生和发展起来的,是现代破产预防制度的重要组成部分。研究破产重整制度对于构建社会主义和谐社会,贯彻“以人为本”的人文精神,保持国家与社会的长治久安,促进企业的繁荣昌盛和经济的可持续发展等等,均具有十分重要的意义。本论文分为四个部分对破产重整法律制度进行研究: 第一部分在揭示破产重整的内涵、外延与法律特征的基础上论证了破产重整制度是现代破产立法的新趋势。这种新趋势集中体现在当代世界各国的破产法改革运动中,根源于破产重整崭新的立法宗旨、制度功能和价值取向上,同时也与导致其产生的理论基础、社会原因和法律原因有着内在的联系。论文的第二部分对和解程序、整顿程序和重整程序进行了解析与比较研究,揭示了三者相互之间的联系与区别,论证了“重整程序优于和解程序与整顿程序,且更加符合现代企业的发展”这一命题。第三部分考察了英、美、法、日及台湾等主要发达国家与地区的破产重整立法, 并对其进行了立法比较分析,得出了完善我国破产重整立法与指导重整司法实践的若干启示。第四部分对我国新破产法规定的重整制度作了若干法律思考与审视,主要阐述了我国建立破产重整制度的必要性和重整立法原则,探讨了重整实体要件、程序要件和重整程序中的债权人利益保护问题,并对我国的重整立法模式与适用范围进行了评述,针对立法的不足发表了自己的见解, 提出了今后如何完善重整立法与确保重整程序得以贯彻实施的若干建议。关键词: 破产重整破产清算破产和解企业整顿破产预防 IV Abstract The bankruptcy anization system, as a legal system introduced in the new Law of Bankruptcy and the effective legal measure to save the predicament enterprises has be one of the three foundations of the modern bankruptcy legal system together with the conciliation system and the bankruptcy sy stem. The bankruptcy anization system, emerging in and growing with the development of market-oriented economy and the improvement of bankruptcy system, constitu tes an ponent of the modern bankruptcy prevention system. So it is important to study the bankruptcy anization system for building the harm onious society, carrying out the humanity spirit of people foremost, keeping the nation and society a long period of peace and order, promoting the enterprises’ thriving and pros perous and sustainable development of the economy. In this thesis the anization system of the bankruptcy law is analyzed from the four parts: In the first part, this thesis analytics the bankruptcy anization system is new tendency of the modern bankruptcy legislation unpacking the connotative meaning, the epitomical furnace and the main characteristics of the bankruptcy anization system. The new tendency reflects the reform of the bankruptcy law in the modern countr