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上传人:天道酬勤 2021/6/15 文件大小:25 KB





文档介绍:Module 8 综合测试卷(100分)
( )1. The girl stopped and ______, but found nobody there.
A. looked into B. looked around C. looked after D. looked at
( )2. Listen! Who is knocking ______ the door?
A. to B. on C. in D. /
( )3. ---Did he go shopping yesterday? ---______.
A. No, he doesn’t. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he did. D. No, he did.
( )4. Once upon ______ time, there ______ ten suns in the sky.
A. a ; were B. a ; are C. / ; were D. / ; are
( )5. The parents decided ______ their child.
A. to talk B. talking with C. talk with D. to talk with
( )6.—Does Tom know where the party is?
—Yes, he does. I ________ him last night.
A. tell B. told C. will tell D. tells
( )7. She____ a dictionary to our classroom, but I did.
A. didn't take B. doesn't take C. will take D. is taking
( )8. Li Ming got the first place(第一名)and got a ____ medal(奖牌).
A. long B. short C. gold D. right
( )9. I didn't leave my hometown during the Spring Festival. She didn't do it, ____.
A. either B. also C. too D. as well
( )10. People can't live____water or air.
A. with B. without C. in D. to
In a happy town there lives a little, beautiful girl, and her name is Rose. __11__ in the town likes her. She is so brave, but one thing she is afraid of is the doctor.
One day, her __12__ moved. Her mum noticed


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