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人教版 初级中学二年级英语上 unit2 试题.doc

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人教版 初级中学二年级英语上 unit2 试题.doc


文档介绍:Unit 2 What’s the matter?

二. 选择填空
( )1. _____ the matter with you?
A. Who’s B. What’s C. How’s
( )2. You look pale. You _____ see the doctor.
A. should B. have to C. do
( )3. I _____ you feel better soon.
A. want B. hope C. need
( )4. Don’t eat ______ junk food.
A. much too B. too many C. too much
( )5. _______ gets tired sometimes.
A. People B. Men C. Everyone
( )6. -When did it start?
A. About a week ago
B. For three days
C. Very well
( )7. Sara _______ a stomachache. So she _____ eat anything for twenty-four hours.
A. has, shouldn’t B. has, should C. have, shouldn’t
( )8. You should ______ for a few nights.
A. lies down B. lie down C. lie
( )9. I am sorry ________ that you’re not feeling well.
A. and hear B. to hear C. to be heard
( )10. _______ a good idea.
A. That sounds like
B. That’s sounds like
C. That’s like

Mr Harris lived in a small house by himself. He was always 1 about what he ate and drank, and he never 2 when the weather was cold. He was always afraid that he was getting terribly ill, 3 he often went to his doctor, and the doctor was getting very 4 of him, because he had more other work 5 .
Then one day Mr Harries hurried 6 the doctor’s office and told him he was sure he had a terrib