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文档介绍:Document serial number【KK89K-LLS98YT-SS8CB-SSUT-SST108】
剑桥国际少儿英语KB2 第一单元文本
Unit 1 Hello again!
and point.
Stella:Hello again! We’re the Star Family. I’m Stella Star and I’m eight. This is my brother, Simon. He’s seven, and this is my sister, Suzy. She’s four.
Simon:This is my grandmother. She’s grandma Star.
Simon:This is my grandfather. He’s grandpa Star.
Simon:Grandpa, say hello.
Grandpa:Oh! Hello, everybody.
Mrs Star:And we’re Mr and Mrs Star.
Simon:What’s your name How old are you.
, point and repeat.
StellaSimonSuzyMr StarMrs starGrandma Star
Grandpa Star
and answer.
Trevor:Hello! I’m Trevor.
Look at number four. Who’s he
Look at number one. Who’s she
Look at number eight. Who’s he
Look at number three. Who’s she
Look at number six. Who’s she
Look at number two. Who’s he
Look at number nine. Who’s she
Look at number ten. Who’s he
Look at number five. Who’s she
Look at number seven. Who’s he
(Answer:4 Mr star, 1 Suzy, 8 Monty, 3 Stella, 6 Grandma Star, 2 Simon, 9 Marie, 10 Maskman, 5 Mrs Star, 7 Grandpa Star)
剑桥国际少儿英语2 Unit2文本
Unit 1 Back to school!
and point.
Stella:Hello, Alex! Hello, Lenny! How are you
Alex and Lenny:Fine,thanks.
Merra:Is this your classroom,Simon
Merra:Who’s that on the board
Simon:That’s my favourite toy, Maskman. Look at my Maskman ruler.
Lenny:That’s nice. My ruler’s on my desk.
Stella:Are your school books in the bookcase
Simon:No, they are in the cupboard. Our teacher’s here now.
Stella and Meera:Oops
, point and repeat.
, point and repeat.
There’s a long pink ruler on her desk.
There are a lot of boos in the bookcase.
There’s a big whiteboard on the wall.
There’s a computer in the classroom, but there isn’t a television.
Unit 3 Play time!
and point.
Suzy:Ooh, kites! Can we look at them, Dad
Mr Star:OK, Su